John B Podcast 176 (Live At Sun & Bass 2018 Closing Party) (04/10/2018)

John B Podcast 176 (Live At Sun & Bass 2018 Closing Party) (04/10/2018)

Новый выпуск John B Podcast, она же запись сэта, отыгранного Джоном на Sun & Bass 2018 (проходил с 8го по 15го сентября в Сан-Теодоро, Италия)

      John B Podcast 176 (Live At Sun & Bass 2018 Closing Party) (04-10-2018)

Sun & Bass 2018, as always, was a beautiful experience & it was an honour to play 2 sets during my week there.

This was the big one, my ‘proper’ D&B set at the closing party on the final night, in one of my favourite venues in the world, Ambra Night, in San Teodoro, Sardinia.

The open air ‘garden’ stage, under the stars on a lovely clear warm night, surrounded by some of the most awesome ravers you could ever wish to play for is always a memorable & very special experience.

I put a lot of thought into exactly what I wanted to play, how to take the set on a journey across all the different types of D&B I love, for a knowledgable Sun & Bass crowd of true headz — keep with the musical D&B vibes & ethos AND somehow fit all that into just one hour!

Hope you like the set — and if you do, please share it online with your friends — it really helps more people see the posts & hear my music! xxx John B