EATBRAIN Podcast 061 от Task Horizon!
Читать далее EATBRAIN Podcast 061 by Task Horizon (2018-02-12)
EATBRAIN Podcast 061 от Task Horizon!
Читать далее EATBRAIN Podcast 061 by Task Horizon (2018-02-12)
Гостевой микс записанный Bredren и MC Fokus в честь выхода «Solid Surface EP» на Dispatch.
172 Выпуск подкаста от John B — он же запись еще одного сета Джона на Sun & Bass 2017.
“Such a great time playing a Blue Note set to the Sun & Bass crowd and an honour to perform with the legendary MC Fats!
Sorry the mic is a bit loud in the recording, done our best to fix the audio – but hope you still get the amazing vibe & a memoir from the show!.
And isn’t it about time I got booked for a few more Classics/Blue Note Sets??? Send your local friendly promoter my way… :-)”.
If you like the set please ‘like’ and share on your social media channels to help get the word out and get more people to hear the music ?
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Новый Critical Podcast Vol.53 от T>I (Total Integration)!
Достаточно необычный подкаст, который стоит оценить!
Кстати зацените его последний EP:
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