Архив метки: Drum & Bass

Dioptrics – Abducted Weekly Podcast 022 (20-02-2015)

Every year for Valentines day, I let my soon to be wife take the reigns and tell me exactly what she wants to hear in a mix, then I mix it for her. I always post them up for all to enjoy, because they come out amazing (she has impeccable tastes in music). So for our 3rd installment, we have decided to take over this weeks podcast, and present to you, BABEMIX 2015! Hope you enjoy!

Mixed 100% live by Dioptrics Читать далее Dioptrics – Abducted Weekly Podcast 022 (20-02-2015)

Neuropunk pt.38 mixed by Bes (2015-10-29)

Читать далее Neuropunk pt.38 mixed by Bes (2015-10-29)

Noisia Radio S01E19 (2015-10-30)

Читать далее Noisia Radio S01E19 (2015-10-30)

Blackout — Podcast 047 — Guestmix by Proxima (2015-10-27)

Читать далее Blackout — Podcast 047 — Guestmix by Proxima (2015-10-27)

Project 71 — podcast #50 (28.10.2015)


Читать далее Project 71 — podcast #50 (28.10.2015)

Luch Radioshow — #28 Take & Cutworx @ Megapolis 89.5 Fm 21.10.2015

Запись эфира за 21.10.2015 радиошоу ЛУЧ!
Продолжение back2back серий вместе с Take & Cutworx Читать далее Luch Radioshow — #28 Take & Cutworx @ Megapolis 89.5 Fm 21.10.2015

Gunsta Presents — #WeLoveDrum&Bass Podcast & Enei Guest Mix (2015-02-21)

В данном выпуске #WELOVE DRUMANDBASS PODCAST вы услышите свежую подборку в миске от GUNSTABAND и мощный гостевой микс от гуру Российской DNB сцены — ENEI
Читать далее Gunsta Presents — #WeLoveDrum&Bass Podcast & Enei Guest Mix (2015-02-21)

Katwon — WWYS Podcast 019 (21-10-2015)

Новый выпуск WWYS Podcast 19 от Katwon!

Читать далее Katwon — WWYS Podcast 019 (21-10-2015)

Zultcer — WWYS Podcast 018 (05-10-2015)

Новый выпуск WWYS Podcast от Zultcer!

Читать далее Zultcer — WWYS Podcast 018 (05-10-2015)

Ulterior Motive — Subtitles Music Podcast 004 (2011-12-04)

Subtitles Podcast 004: Ulterior Motive
Ulterior Motive return to the fold after recent excursions on Reinforced, Critcal and Metalheadz with the fourth instalment of the Subtitles Podcast series

Читать далее Ulterior Motive — Subtitles Music Podcast 004 (2011-12-04)